Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh. My. Ga...
That's right kiddies... Hef got new girlfriends. Not only did he get 2 girls, he got TWINS! 19 year old twins!! WTF?! What is the world coming to??? Such a sad day...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That's what friends are for

For the last few weeks I have been stressed to the max and frustrated beyond belief. So, this goes out to those who have been there to let me vent and cry and just listened to me. I'm so thankful to have people like you in my life. You know that I'd be there for you if you needed me. But, that's what friends are for. Love you guys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I have no life...

It's official... TV consumes my life! This week marked the beginning of new seasons of Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, 90210, and America's Next Top Model. (The Hills started a week or 2 ago, so don't think I'm leaving it out.) Last night and tonight I sat in one spot for 2 hours watching TV. Me and Hilary were so excited we couldn't wait for our "boyfriend" Tivo to record anything, so we sat through commercials - which means we were super excited! Since then, we have been discussing Nate and his affair with a married woman, Brooke getting beat up, and Peyton and Lucas getting married like we went to school with these people. Not to mention the hundreds of bumper stickers and pieces of flair we send and recieve every hour regarding these shows of people "we know." What is the world coming to?? I can't get anything done! Oh well... I'll find time to do the homework. Monday can't come soon enough!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Today I was studying for marketing and came across this:

Nonprofit organization: a nongovernmental organization that serves its customers but does not have profit as an organizational goal.

Still, I must say -Puh-leese! Ok, so maybe GSU doesn't have profit as it's goal, but come on! Must tuition be as high as it is and must books cost an arm and a leg??

PS- This marketing textbook that I got this lovely definition from set me back $186... You're welcome Georgia Southern! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not-for-profit organization

Today was the 2nd day of classes and on my agenda was my MKTG 3131 (aka Principles of Marketing). Of course, my professor jumps right in to chapter 1 and we begin class the very first day. And she poses a question: "Is GSU a not-for-profit organization?" If my mind serves me correctly, not-for-profit organizations don't really make a profit, right? So, I answer the question to myself: No. GSU seems to be making a pretty hefty profit. I mean they are racking up almost $2000 a student, not to mention $134 for a parking pass and at least $100 a book. I'm not sure I understand how it's a not-for-profit organization. If you do, feel free to explain.

Monday, August 18, 2008

School sucks!

School has officially begun... And it sucks! I've only been one day, but I can already tell it's only going to get worse. 18 hours... What was I thinking?! More to come...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Is it written in the books?

I recently made a horrible mistake and hurt the person I love. I can't give you a reason for my actions, and I'm still trying to figure out why I did such a terrible thing. But my whole situation makes me wonder - Was this supposed to happen? Was it written in the books somewhere that this was going to happen? You see, I'm a firm believer in God and I know that He has His plan for me. I'm sure that in the last 21 years I've strayed and gotten away from His plan, but I have always seemed to find my way back. So, was it in His plan for me to screw up (not really in the way that I did)? And if it was, what does this mean? That I wasn't supposed to be with the person I was with? Or that maybe I was supposed to be with him and this is just to teach me a lesson on taking people for granted? And if it's the latter, then does that mean he is going to come back? And if he is, when will that be? Don't get me wrong about this - I want him to come back to me and forgive me and hold me and tell me that he loves me, but if that's not in God's plan for me - then what is? My whole point is, are we supposed to mess up big time so we end up with what we are meant to have? Are our mistakes really what make our fate?

"Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are."
~Carrie Bradshaw